Sweden – entrepreneurial force at the heart of the Nordic region

05/06/2024By scandinaviancomChange Communications, Christina Rytter, Content Marketing, Crisis Communications, Management Communications, PR, PR Tips & Trends, Public Relations Global Network, Scandinavian Communications, Social Media, Strategic Communications

By Martin Lucander, Partner & Trusted Communications Advisor,
Aspekta AB 

Business environment in Sweden
Sweden is an EU member state and benefits greatly from the free movement of goods, services, people, and capital. Located in the middle of the Nordic region, Sweden has historically also cultivated strong trade relations and close cooperation with its neighbouring Nordic countries. Other main trade and export partners are Germany, the USA, and the UK.

The Swedish economy is highly developed, competitive, open, diverse, and export-oriented and dependent on free international trade. The economy is characterised by a strong entrepreneurial tradition, innovation-driven businesses, and the development of many novel technical solutions across several business sectors, such as engineering, manufacturing & industrials, IT & telecom, and life sciences. Moreover, Sweden’s stable political environment, a society with strong democratic institutions, a highly educated labour force, well-functioning legal system, and modern communication infrastructure creates an attractive investment climate.

Communications, media and PR market in Sweden
Sweden is considered to be one of the most digitalised countries in the world. A recent study showed that internet usage is at 96% and almost half (45%) of Swedes use social media as a news source. The media sector has undergone a far-reaching digitalisation over the past decade, and while print newspapers remain relevant, they play a subordinate role in the overall media landscape. Given the country’s modest size of population (10.5 million), there are accordingly fewer media outlets compared to bigger European media markets. The media landscape is characterised by a few major media groups, i.e. the commercial companies ‘Bonnier Group’ and ‘Schibsted’, as well as the public service organisations ‘Swedish Radio and Television’ (SVT) and ‘Swedish Broadcasting Corporation’ (SR). Main media outlets are Dagens Nyheter (news), Dagens Industri (business), Svenska Dagbladet (news), and Sydsvenskan (news).

Top 3 advice to navigate Swedish the media 

1. Be succinct: When pitching to Swedish journalists, refrain from over-detailed descriptions and superlative language. Describe your story briefly and succinctly, emphasising what it is about and its news-worthiness. If possible, define the unique aspects already in the mail subject, include contact information, and attach additional information (e.g. press release) to the e-mail.

2. Use Swedish: Unless directed to a Swedish-based English media outlet, communicate in Swedish during pitch e-mails and ensure that attached materials are translated. The additional task of translating your story will undoubtedly hamper journalists’ interest. Working through an intermediary – such as an agency – could therefore be helpful.

3. Don’t oversell: In general, Swedes are rather suspicious towards hyperbolic language about an event, product, corporate initiative, etc. and may instead come to doubt the truthfulness of a message. Temper the language of information, provide a moderately positive tone, and focus on receiver value.

Most influential media for consumer communication in Sweden
Aftonbladet is a top-tier tabloid focusing on bringing entertainment alongside daily news updates. The tabloid has one of the largest readerships in Sweden and is part of the Schibsted Media Group.

Expressen is another top-tier tabloid featuring entertainment as well as news, debate articles and investigative journalism. Part of the Bonnier Group.

TV4 is the leading commercial TV channel in Sweden incorporating a diverse broadcasting coverage of both news reporting as well as entertainment.

Most influential media for corporate communications in Sweden
TT is the main news agency in Sweden and provides media outlets across Sweden with content and news articles. Coverage in TT usually results in wide media coverage and high impact.

SVT is the Swedish national public service TV broadcaster and is one of the main dominating media outlets in terms of reach and influence. SVT brings daily news reports and is among the media companies that are the most trusted by Swedes.

Dagens Industri is Sweden’s main business and industry newspaper covering both domestic and international corporate news of companies, industries, financial markets, and the economy. Target audiences are senior management, investors, public policy-makers, and industry.

Dagens Nyheter as well as Svenska Dagbladet are two of the leading daily newspapers in Sweden covering both international and national news stories as well as being strong platforms for publishing opinion and debate articles.

Most popular social media channels in Sweden
YouTube: 8.7 million users
Facebook: 5.65 million users – mainly Millennials and Generation Z.
Instagram: 5.5 million users – particularly popular among young women.
LinkedIn: 4.76 million users – popular among men born in the 60s-70s .
Snapchat: 4 million users – most people born in the ’00s and ’90s 
TikTok: 3.39 million users – fastest growing social media in 2023
X: 2.6 million users. X is a popular platform among Swedish men as the proportion of men who use X is greater than the number of female users.

Most important international events in Sweden in 2024

The Eurovision Song Contest 2024 – This international songwriting competition is the world’s largest live music event and will this year take place in Malmö, Sweden. The Eurovision Song Context gathers approx. 160 million viewers globally and is an important cultural event that brings together European nations every year. https://eurovision.tv/event/malmo-2024

Almedalsveckan – Almedalen week is an annual democratic and political meeting point that takes place for several days at the end of June on the Swedish island of Gotland. Here, policymakers, NGOs, lobbyists, consultants and people from various industries and backgrounds get together and debate, network, and have meetings on different societal, corporate, and social issues. https://www.almedalsveckan.info/english

The European Parliamentarian Election – Between June 6 and 9, Swedes as well as other EU member-states, are going to the polls to elect the members of the EU Parliament that will drive EU legislation for the next five years. https://elections.europa.eu/en/

Sweden by the Numbers*
Population 10.5 million
Languages spoken Swedish
Religions (% of population) Protestant (63.9%), other Christian (4.1%), Muslim (2.5%), not religious (26.8%)
GDP per capita $56,785 (2023)
(Real) GDP growth rate -0.2% (2023)
Inflation rate 2.5% (Feb. 2024)
Unemployment rate 8.5% (Feb. 2024)
Key sectors and industries (% of GDP) Services (63.62%), industry (23.95%), agriculture (1.46%), other (10.97%) – 2022
Mobile penetration (X per 100 people) 97 (2023)
Internet users (% of population) 96% (2023 – over age 16)
Corporate profit tax: 20.6 (2023)
Rate of consumer tax or VAT: 25% (2024)

* Statistical data from Ekonomifakta.se, Swedish Foreign Ministry and the Swedish Statistical Central Database (SCB).


Do you need a single point of contact to Scandinavia?

Don’t hesitate to contact:

Christina Rytter, Founder & Trusted Communications Advisor
Scandinavian Communications
Email: cr@scandcomm.com
Mobile: +4523967733

Denmark – a business-friendly frontrunner in technology, green energy and life sciences

16/05/2024By scandinaviancomChange Communications, Christina Rytter, Content Marketing, Crisis Communications, Management Communications, PR, PR Tips & Trends, Public Relations Global Network, Scandinavian Communications, Social Media, SoMe Tips & Trends, Strategic Communications

By Christina Rytter, Founder & Trusted Communications Advisor,
Scandinavian Communications

Business environment in Denmark

Denmark has earned a position as a global leader in innovation due to its different business environment and culture. Today Denmark is particularly strong in information technology, renewable energy, sustainability, and life sciences – and also has a vibrant creative industry, encompassing design, fashion, architecture, and media. Copenhagen, the capital city, is considered a global hub for green technology, design and innovation, offering numerous opportunities for creative entrepreneurs and businesses.

So, what drives the high level of innovation in Denmark?

First of all, the Danish business environment is characterized by a very high degree of trust and an easy-going Danish business culture with flat organizational structures. The focus on reducing the levels of management and hierarchy and decentralizing decision-making in Danish companies creates an innovative business environment with increased openness, trust, creativity, and faster decision-making. Also, with a focus on work-life balance, with a quite high degree of personal freedom for employees and as the latest trend coming up in Denmark “The 4-day work week” where leading private companies has shown how to reduce the traditional 5-day work week and increase business results at the same time.

Business-friendly ecosystem
Secondly, alongside the economic stability in Denmark the country has a thriving startup ecosystem with a network of incubators, accelerators, and venture capital firms. As well as a business-friendly Danish regulatory environment with straightforward procedures for starting a business, enforcing contracts and obtaining permits. The Danish government also has implemented various reforms to reduce bureaucracy and enhance the competitiveness of the Danish business sector as well.

Denmark has a high GDP per capita, and high standard of living and is along with other Scandinavian countries often associated with the Nordic Model – which combines free-market capitalism with a strong welfare state and social safety. Danes – alongside other Scandinavians – have a quite strong buying power, which is why many international companies find the Scandinavian markets quite interesting.

Technology and green economy drives business opportunities
Denmark is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and transitioning to a green economy. This creates significant business opportunities within cleantech and the renewable energy sector, including wind, solar and biomass energy.

Biotechnology and Life Sciences is other sectors where Denmark today has a strong reputation, with a focus on research and development as well as clinical trials and production. Denmark is home to several world-leading pharmaceutical and biotech companies, as well as research institutions and universities.

Communications, media and PR market in Denmark
Denmark has a strong tradition of public service broadcasting with DR (the Danish Broadcasting Corporation) being the primary public broadcaster together with partly public service broadcaster TV2. Especially DR offers a wide range of non-commercial television, radio and online content, catering to diverse audience and providing high-quality news, entertainment and educational programming.

In general Denmark has a very narrow media structure with only a few media in each category. To get through all communications must therefore be tailored very specific to the relevant audience and media – and followed up in person. In Denmark it’s quality over quantity and establishment of thought leadership working in both traditional and social media is key to create awareness in the Danish market.

While the circulation of newspapers has declined in recent years, print media still plays an important role in the Danish media landscape. Leading newspapers includes Berlingske Tidende, Politiken and Jyllands-Posten as well as leading daily business paper Børsen, which all provide comprehensive coverage of national and international news, business and culture. Of course all papers are digital as well and the Danish media landscape, meanwhile, is also evolving with the fast digitalization of content consumption and the ever-growing influence of social media. Businesses looking to establish a presence in Denmark should consider these factors and leverage the diverse media platforms available to reach their target audiences effectively. Don’t expect to get any control over the final journalistic content in articles! Danish journalists and media are very Independent – it’s just part of their DNA and the Danish and Scandinavian culture.

Top 3 advice for foreign companies to navigate Danish media

1. Write real journalistic content
Think through and create a real journalistic story from scratch for the Danish market – and then get your corporate or product messages to fit with a downplayed balance. Always work with a journalistic approach in your PR Press kit for Scandinavian media. A Marketing approach towards Danish Tier 1 media is a sure dead end – and your press release will easily end up in the garbage can at the newsdesk.

2. Find the Danish angel
Write a local angled story for the Danish market. Your PR core story for Scandinavia can be the same – but to really get it right, you then need to work out a local PR angle for Denmark as well. Understanding and acting on the small cultural differences between each Scandinavian market give you much greater PR results.
Work out a tailored media list with key journalists from Tier 1 media depending on your target group. Pick a broader range of media to get more volume, when you send out your press release – Denmark has a very narrow media structure with only a few media in each category.

3. Offer exclusivity & follow up
Work with exclusive sell-in of your press release / PR story. This means that you only talk in person with one leading key media at the time. It’s key for most Danish journalists to get their own stories with a unique angle. When you succeed with your PR sell-in. Wait for the agreed publication – and then go for a wide distribution of the press release to create a 2-waved PR effect. This can be very efficient!

Take into your planning that different Danish media work with very different timing. If you go for a business daily, you might only need to approach the editor a couple of weeks before you like to see some media coverage. But if it’s a high-end lifestyle Magazine in print, you might need to talk to the editor 3-4 months ahead. Follow up with journalists in person by phone and email to secure the sell-in of the story and final media coverage. In Denmark, this is a very delicate balance between being proactive without being annoying for journalists, who have a very busy and tight work schedule and a lot of people approaching them every day.

Most popular social media channels in Denmark

Facebook: 3,9 million users (67% of population) 2022 / 86% in 2023
YouTube: 2,8 million users (48% of population) 2022
Instagram: 2,6 million users (45% of population) 2022
LinkedIn: 2,4 million users (41% of population) 2022
SnapChat: 1,9 million users (33% of population) 2022
X: 1,2 million users (21% of population) 2022
TikTok: 1,1 million users (19% of population) 2022
Pinterest: 0,9 million users (16% of population) 2022
Reddit: 0,6 million users (10% of population) 2022
Twitch: 0,5 million users (9% of population) 2022

Source: Statista 2022

Most important international events in Denmark in 2024

Folkemøde: Citizens and decision-makers meet up in a three-day event to engage in dialogue and strengthen the Danish democracy. Folkemøde is created in cooperation with political parties, grassroots and different associations and companies.

Roskilde Festival: The Roskilde Festival is one of the largest music festivals in Europe and is known for its diverse lineup and cultural significance – the last year also been a test center for green start-ups testing their products.

Copenhagen Jazz Festival: The Copenhagen Jazz Festival is one of the largest jazz festivals in Europe and is a significant cultural event for Denmark.

Copenhagen Pride: The annual Copenhagen Pride Week is a celebration of the LGBTQIA+ community in the shape of a human rights festival with safe spaces and an environment where people are free to express themselves.

Denmark in Numbers*

Population: 5,8 million (2022)
Languages spoken (official)Danish
Religions (% of population)Evangelical Lutheran: 75%. Other Protestant and Roman Catholic: 10%. Other: 15%
GDP per capita (in USD)$63,000 (2021)
(Real) GDP growth rate (%) 2,8 % (2021)
Inflation rate (%) 0,8 % (2021)
Unemployment rate (%) 4 % (2021)
Key sectors and industries (% of GDP) Service sector: 75%. Industry: 21%.
Agriculture and fisheries: 3% (2021)

Mobile penetration (X per 100 people) 120 (2021)
Internet users (% of population) 96% (2021)
Corporate profit tax: (%) 22% (year – latest available)
Rate of consumer tax or VAT: (%) 25% (year – latest available)

* World Bank, Statistics Denmark, Pew Research Center and PwC


Do you need a single point of contact to Scandinavia?

Don’t hesitate to contact:
Christina Rytter, Founder & Trusted Communications Advisor
Scandinavian Communications
Email: cr@scandcomm.com
Mobile: +4523967733

About Christina Rytter

Christina Rytter is a dedicated Danish and international Trusted Communications Advisor and Founder of Scandinavian Communications. She has 25 years of hands-on experience with strategic communications, public relations, crisis and change communications, C-level leader training, digital marketing, social media and sales. So far she has been external advisor and Key Account Director for +600 international and Danish clients. She is also a former TV host and experienced entrepreneur responsible for start-up and business development of four international companies – two of them as founder. Also, she coach business owners of funded front-runner companies under the European Commission.

Last but not least Christina Rytter is Past-President and Chair in Public Relations Global network, where she currently holds the position as Vice President EMEA and is part of the Executive Committee and Advisory Board.

PR Insights: Find Your Voice

10/04/2024By scandinaviancomChristina Rytter

When social media overwhelms us with content, it becomes increasingly important to find and share your voice. I see a growing craving for more personality and authenticity in the content we share on social media.

At Scandinavian Communications, our data shows that people respond much more enthusiastically to personal content when you share stories from your journey. For leaders in Scandinavia and around the world, this means taking a step forward, being more fearless, and sharing your authentic voice. You need to strike a balance between being genuine and staying true to your personality while pushing your boundaries a bit.

Scandinavian leaders born in the 1960s and 1970s often come from an era where we left our private lives at home when we entered our corporate lives. This presents a significant challenge for many leaders of a certain age: transitioning from a polished corporate image to sharing more of your private life or personality.

Finding your voice for both yourself on social media as well as your company or organization in Scandinavia or other parts of the world means trying to stand out by creating thought leadership content that is of higher quality and relevance to your key target groups. I see a shift towards revisiting some of the high-quality PR and journalistic methods that we used to rely on in Scandinavia – combined of cause with new tools such as AI. This involves embracing a more journalistic approach, conducting in-depth research, and creating thought leadership programs with high-quality content.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Scandinavian Communications, if you want help to create a stronger voice on social media for yourself, the company spokespersons or brand. We are here to help.

Scandinavian Communications wins gold award

09/01/2024By scandinaviancomChristina Rytter

Just arrived in the mail from San Francisco – a PRGN Gold Award in Product or Service Launches 2023. Thanks, Public Relations Global Network for recognizing our work with an international launch in several countries last year 🙏.

Are you going for new markets in 2024?
We offer lead and a single point of contact within PR, marketing and communications and have an extended partner network across the globe.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to our CEO Christina Rytter to learn more at Mail cr@scandcomm.com or Mobile: +4523967733. We are here to help!

We wish you a happy and successful 2024 💥

PRGN appoints new VPs for EMEA and The Americas

14/11/2023By scandinaviancomChristina Rytter

We are happy to share, that our founder Christina Rytter was appointed the new Regional Vice President for the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region in Public Relations Global Network.

Sean Dowdall, president of Landis Communications Inc. – LCI in San Francisco, was appointed PRGN’s new Regional Vice President for The Americas, a region which includes North, Latin and South America.

As RVPs, these communications professionals will support member agencies in their regions by playing active roles in knowledge exchange, business development and new member selection.

Read the full release here

Top 5 tools to boost PR productivity

31/08/2023By scandinaviancomChristina Rytter

How can you boost your communications productivity with digital PR tools? Julie Osborne from Scandinavian Communication’s Public Relations Global Network partner Roop & Co. shares her top five tools.

By Julie Osborne, Account Supervisor – Roop & Co.

In the ever-dynamic world of public relations, we all know that there are many hats to be worn, various tasks to be juggled and conflicting deadlines to be met. Without the ease and convenience of digital PR tools, your competitors will beat you to the punch every time. But by building a robust arsenal of the right PR tools, you will ultimately empower your communications team to not only be more productive and efficient, but garner more effective results.

Here are five key digital PR tools and apps to introduce to your communications team in 2023:

1. PR Monitoring & Analysis Tools
Media monitoring and analysis is an essential part of any communications toolkit. To implement an effective public relations strategy, your communications team must be able to easily track important information such as brand sentiment and engagement, media mentions, industry news and trends, and competitor analysis. The ever-evolving nature of social media, in particular, has afforded the public immense power over brands’ reputations—in turn only adding to the crucial role of media monitoring in PR.

Popular examples of these tools include Meltwater, Agility PR and Brandwatch. From optimizing your media pitching process and tracking media coverage in real time to exploring industry trends to leverage for potential story angles, media monitoring and analysis tools offer a variety of capabilities. Your individual priorities and needs will greatly influence which specific features are necessary.

2. Project Management Software
Public relations professionals are working within an increasingly digital landscape and are serving a wide variety of stakeholders. They’re also often working on multiple projects, along with the many tasks that fall under each of those projects.

In this kind of fast-paced, dynamic environment, a shared digital platform for project management is absolutely critical. Having this tool will enable your communications team to effectively track everything from general task status and project timelines, to PR campaign development and media outreach.

Choosing the right project management software for your team will require considering factors such as the size and budget of your organization, as well as which system and features are going to be the best fit for your team. A few well-known examples of these tools include Basecamp, Asana and Monday.

3. AI-Powered PR Tools
Exploding seemingly overnight in the communications field earlier this year, AI-powered tools offer a wide variety of potential applications—including many that are highly relevant to PR work. ChatGPT, for example, has the capability to rapidly generate text based on specific prompts. As a result, it can not only be used for drafting items such as press releases or articles, but can also assist in the research and editing stages.

With its ability to process language, it can even produce content that is customized for specific audiences—a particularly important feature for PR professionals. However, keep in mind that any AI-generated content should only be considered a first draft and will need to be thoroughly reviewed, fact checked and polished.

It’s also important to note that, while still rapidly evolving, AI-powered tools will completely revolutionize the PR industry in the years to come. Although certainly powerful on their own, they work best when used strategically by experienced communicators who know how to write effective prompts and can weave in the human element of storytelling. While there are new AI-powered PR tools popping up every day, a few popular examples include Determ, Jasper and Sprinklr.

4. Marketing Automation Platforms
By streamlining and automating numerous PR activities, marketing automation platforms like HubSpot, SharpSpring and Marketo can help with many aspects of your communications team’s work—from social media and digital advertising, to lead generation and email marketing. They can even help with overall PR campaign implementation and measurement.

By bringing a variety of marketing assets under a single platform, marketing automation enables smoother and more efficient processes—ultimately enhancing the customer experience. In many cases, these tools can even be integrated with other marketing platforms such as customer relationship management (CRM) software, social media management tools and account-based marketing (ABM) orchestration platforms.

5. News Aggregator Sites
News aggregator sites can act as tools to help your communications team stay on top of emerging news in a highly efficient and effective way. They provide you with relevant articles and content as well as timely updates. AP News, Feedly and Google News are a few examples you can consider leveraging as your news aggregator tool.

Users can customize their feeds to track the news content that they want to see—whether that be national news or specific industry news. This way, users can view only the content that is relevant to them without getting inundated with unnecessary information. Because these tools sort through and filter all news, users get quality sources and content all in one convenient location.

Each of the described digital PR tools offers its own way to help your communications team do great work.

Read the full article here

Disruptive media monitoring tool launched in Europe

25/05/2023By scandinaviancomChristina Rytter

We worked 2 years behind the scenes on this! Now we launch the new, disruptive tool Monitio that reinvents media monitoring, translation and assisted fact-checking through AI technologies. We are so excited to launch Monitio as a first step in the European markets of Spain, Portugal, the UK, and Germany – in the pictures showcased at Monitio User Day in Madrid last week.

In the Monitio project, Scandinavian Communications is part of a pan-European Consortium collaboration with frontrunner tech-company Priberam, the international public broadcaster Deutsche Welle and the University of Cambridge. We have received EU funding for the development of the core technologies and readiness for commercial launch in the programme “Fast Track to Innovation” under Horizon 2020 – which aims to reduce the time from idea to market.

Monitio is the first tool on the market to monitor media from countries worldwide in real-time AND simultaneously translate the content from the original language into English, Spanish, Portuguese, or German – also in real-time. Also, Monitio has assisted fact-checking newer seen before in the market of media monitoring. Monitio automatically structures thousands of articles into thematic clusters, so users get an overview of how media content relates to specific topics, persons, companies etc. This gives much deeper insights into your industry, markets, and competitors.

Learn more at Monitio.com

Scandinavian Communications welcomes new Finnish partner agency

11/05/2023By scandinaviancomChristina Rytter

Scandinavian Communications are excited to welcome our new Finnish partner agency Ellun Kanat to the Public Relations Global Network.

Partner Ville Tuominen from Ellun Kanat and our Founder Christina Rytter meet in person last week together with 43 of our 55 agency partners from around the globe at the Public Relations Global Network conference in Budapest.

Public Relations Global Network gathers in Budapest

08/04/2023By scandinaviancomChange Communications, Christina Rytter, Content Marketing, Crisis Communications, Management Communications, PR, Public Relations Global Network, Scandinavian Communications, Social Media, Strategic Communications

This week Scandinavian Communication’s Founder and Trusted Communications Advisor Christina Rytter attended the Public Relations Global Network conference in Budapest.

43 of 55 agency partners from around the globe gathered to share knowledge, get new insights from leading keynotes – and create deeper business relationships and friendships.

Public Relations Global Network are a connected network of 55 hand-selected public relations firms servicing key markets around the world. As leaders in our respective regions, PRGN agencies offer the “boots-on-the-ground” savvy of a local Public Relations agency, yet on a global scale. Our model allows us to deliver a unique level of flexibility – scaling up or down across multiple markets to meet your business needs. Each PR agency knows its local community and it knows how to help clients connect with their audiences in those regions.

Christina Rytter is Past-president of PRGN and Scandinavian Communications an agency member since 2009 offering our clients a single point of contact to the Scandinavian markets of Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland – and often beyond.

Read more about PRGN

Global PR Predictions 2023

03/02/2023By scandinaviancomChange Communications, Christina Rytter, Content Marketing, Crisis Communications, Management Communications, PR, PR Tips & Trends, Public Relations Global Network, Scandinavian Communications, Social Media

Ethics and transparency, AI and innovations, ESG agenda and constant crisis mode – these are some of the key trends that will shape 2023 for brands and communicators, say PRGN’s leading global communications experts in our annual collection of PR predictions.

Every year in the Public Relations Global Network (PRGN) we give our PR predictions. Some of the key trends that will shape this year for leaders and communicators as we see it are more challenging markets with a constant mode of crisis and change, ethics, transparency, AI and innovations as well as the ESG agenda.

Crisis and Change as a new normal

“With one global, geopolitical, and economic crisis after another corporate leaders and organizations are more or less in a constant state of crisis. Therefore, in my opinion, crisis and change can now be seen as a new normal rather than a rare event. No leader can sit around and wait for things to get “back to normal”. Change is the only constant. We can’t predict what is coming next, but we can improve our management and communications toolbox so our skills to handle crises and change become even stronger,” says Christina Rytter, founder and Trusted Communication Advisor at Scandinavian Communications.

Read the PR Predictions from across the globe in this interesting blog post written by Gabor Jelinek with contributions also from our leading PR and communications partners in Public Relations Global Network

Read the full blog post here