5-Star MarCom Strategy 2023

06/12/2022By scandinaviancomChristina Rytter, Content Marketing, Management Communications, PR, PR Tips & Trends, Scandinavian Communications, Social Media, Strategic Communications

Ready to reach the stars in 2023? If so, working strategically with Marketing and Communications is a pivotal first step in the right direction. Here you’ll get our recommendations for a 5-Start MarCom Strategy 2023

Business goals as guiding star
Communications, PR and Marketing are all about supporting your overall business goals. Therefore all activities must drive the business forward according to the overall company business goals. MarCom Strategy is a naturally integrated part of the business strategy of today’s leading companies. Your overall MarCom strategy must link together with a Go-to-Market plan for tactic execution of your campaigns and activities within communications, PR, marketing and social media.

Key Messages in order
It is absolutely key to have your Key Messages in order. Do a solid piece of work with both your Corporate & Product Messages. Our Corporate messages must be Value driven, authentic and show WHY your company or organisation are in this world? What lights your inner fire? This is feeling-based messages. All studies show that our actions as humans to a large extent are feeling driven. It’s hardwired biology. Your Product messages must address your target group’s pains, needs and dreams. You need to understand and take your target group’s perspective to create relevant product messages. NOT only your own company perspective! 😉

Segment Target Groups
A vital part of your MarCom Strategy is to segment your target groups and influencers. Successful Communications, PR and Marketing start with a very clear and deep segmentation. Your target groups are often very different. The more we unfold the target groups and influencers in our strategic work, the clearer it becomes, that we have many more, than we realize off the top of our heads. A typical pitfall is therefore, that companies try to reach all target groups with the same type of communication. If you try to reach everyone – often you reach no one. And the MarCom results become too weak to create a really successful impact on the business.

Relevant Communication Channels
To reach each of your key target groups, you need to tailor your content and then communicate and get into dialogue in the relevant and strategic/tactical selected communications channels. This is NOT necessarily the channels you know and use yourself! 😉 But the channels preferred by each of your target groups and influencers. Again, this often varies in different target groups across business positions, countries, ages, gender etc. To be successful your business needs to engage and communicate in the channels where your target groups are.

Measure Results
You need to strategically decide on and set KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) for your communications, PR and marketing. Otherwise you can only to a lesser extent measure the effect, business value and ROI (Return-on-Investment) of your invested MarCom budget.
When you set KPIs and thereby measure results, you’ll be able to have clear evaluation of, what is driving the business forward. And what is not. Also, you can demonstrate the direct business value of communications, PR, marketing and social media to the management and the board.

Learn more:

Please contact our founder Christina Rytter direct at cr@scandcomm.com  to learn more about, how we create a tailored MarCom Strategy for your company in Scandinavia – or beyond.

Online MasterClass
OR Do-It-Yourself with Christina Rytter´´´s online MasterClass (in Danish) 

New podcast episode about Crisis Communications

21/11/2022By scandinaviancomChange Communications, Christina Rytter, Crisis Communications, Management Communications, Podcast, PR, Public Relations Global Network, Scandinavian Communications, Strategic Communications

When a crisis hits, you need a team of key people in place to respond quickly and effectively before the situation escalates.

In this episode of the PRGN Present’s podcast, host Abbie Fink of HMA Public Relations sits down with Scandinavian Communication’s Founder, Trusted Communications Advisor Christina Rytter to discuss the key roles in a crisis communications team and how CEOs should be preparing for a potential crisis.

Episode 6: The CEO’s role in Crisis Communications: 

PRGN Presents is brought to you by Public Relations Global Network (PRGN), the world’s local public relations agency. With PR leaders embedded into the fabric of the communities we serve, clients hire our agencies for the local knowledge, expertise and connections in markets spanning six continents.

PRGN provides customized communication solutions that combine the scale and stature of an international PR firm with the deep insights and hands-on, senior-level service of a local agency. This offers our clients a unique competitive edge. Scandinavian Communications is a member of PRGN.

Read more about Crisis Communications

Scandinavian Communications wins international Gold Award

10/11/2022By scandinaviancomChristina Rytter, Content Marketing, Management Communications, PR, Public Relations Global Network, Scandinavian Communications

We are proud to announce that Scandinavian Communications won a Best Practice Gold Award in the category Agency Collaborations at this year’s PRGN Awards held in Singapore. The agency won the award for international client collaboration with our four skilled PRGN agency partners; Industrie-Contact in Germany, Sound Public Relations in Italy, Spider PR in UK and Roop & Co based in Cleveland, US.

PRGN (Public Relations Global Network) is a connected network of more than 50 hand-selected public relations agencies servicing key markets around the world. As leaders in our respective regions, PRGN agencies offer the “boots-on-the-ground” savvy of a local Public Relations agency, yet on a global scale.

Our model allows us to deliver a unique level of flexibility – scaling up or down across multiple markets to meet your business needs. Each PR agency knows its local community and it knows how to help clients connect with their audiences in those regions.

How to build a PR crisis team

01/09/2022By scandinaviancomChange Communications, Christina Rytter, Crisis Communications, Management Communications, PR, PR Tips & Trends

By Christina Rytter, Founder & Trusted Communications Advisor,
Scandinavian Communications

When a crisis hits you need to have a team of key people in place, so you can respond quickly and effectively before the situation escalates. So, let’s look at whom you need on your team – and how the team should operate.

The Crisis Communicator
This is the person on your team with the experience and expertise to plan and execute the right communications response in any kind of PR crisis or internal crisis. Ideally, this person will also exude a calming influence on the team, while knowing how to manage the crisis response narrative. If you don’t have an internal Crisis Communicator this role can also be managed by The Crisis Advisor.

The Key Leader
When a major PR crisis hits, it’s inevitable that the CEO will be involved in some way, whether you are making key decisions, delivering a message, or as a spokesperson providing a face for the company’s crisis response. But who else on your team can pivot from their day-to-day work and take on a key decision-making role in the crisis response? Ideally, you will have at least two or three of these key leaders.
You need someone who is an accomplished communicator and a clear thinker to help the crisis communicator and the CEO formulates a response. This person will have a proven track record for making smart decisions with limited information on short timetables. You will also need someone to manage the internal crisis response. Someone who has the authority to control and monitor what your team says and to whom, who can also be a calming influence as they deliver messages from the decision-makers to rest of the team.
Every Key Leader who acts as company spokesperson can also always secure a higher success rate by participating in Media- and Message Training – especially in a crisis. This will also secure the alignment of the company key messages in the crisis-management team

The Media Manager
At some point in your crisis response, you will need a person whose sole duty is to manage media interest. From moderating social media to responding to media requests and connecting the right messages with the right people, this can be a full-time job in the middle of a crisis.

The Crisis Advisor
When you’re very close to a situation, you can miss details or make assumptions that diminish the effectiveness of your crisis response. That’s why it makes good sense to bring in an outside advisor who specializes in crisis communication. This person or team has a different perspective that can prove invaluable in formulating and executing a crisis response.
To get your own Crisis Advisor as CEO also means that someone fully has your back – and that the advisor will work with you and your in-house team to build a narrative and implement a crisis response that should minimize the damage to your brand reputation and put your company in a better position to begin rebuilding credibility.

When facing a PR crisis your Crisis Communications Advisor also has an extensive list of key media contacts with whom they have developed good working relationships. When speed matters and you need positive earned media, knowing exactly whom to call is a vital aspect of an effective external crisis response.

Read more about Crisis Communications

30 PR Tips – you can apply today!

25/08/2022By scandinaviancomChange Communications, Christina Rytter, Content Marketing, Crisis Communications, Management Communications, PR, PR Tips & Trends, Public Relations Global Network, Scandinavian Communications, Social Media, SoMe Tips & Trends, Strategic Communications

In PRGN (Public Relations Global Network) we have created an eBook with 30 blog posts, where we offer our best tips in PR and communications from our members worldwide.

This is part of our 30th-anniversary celebration, that we want to share with you. Scandinavian Communications’ CEO Christina Rytter contributes to How you can Build a PR Crisis Team.

Download it here for free: 

Top 5 tips to PR success in Scandinavian media

11/03/2022By scandinaviancomChristina Rytter, Content Marketing, PR, PR Tips & Trends, Scandinavian Communications, Social Media, Strategic Communications

By Christina Rytter, Founder & Trusted Communications Advisor

If you like to create better PR coverage in Scandinavian media these five focus points are key.

1. Write real journalistic stories

Think through and create a real journalistic story from scratch for the Scandinavian markets – and then get your corporate or product messages to fit with a downplayed balance. Always work with a journalistic approach in your PR Press kit for Scandinavian media. A Marketing approach towards Scandinavian Tier 1 media is a sure dead end – and your press release will easily end up in the garbage can at the newsdesk.

2. Find the local angel

Write a local angled story for each Scandinavian market. Your PR core story for Scandinavia can be the same – but to really get it right, you then need to work out a local PR angle for each market; Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, etc. Understanding and acting on the small cultural differences between each Scandinavian market give you much greater PR results.

Work out a tailored media list for each Scandinavian country with a key journalist from Tier 1 media depending on your target group. Pick a broader range of media to get more volume, when you send out your press release – Scandinavia has a very narrow media structure with only a few media in each category.

3. Offer exclusivity 

Work with exclusive sell-in of your press release / PR story. This means that you only talk in person with one leading key media at the time. It’s key for most Scandinavian journalists to get their own stories with a unique angle. When you succeed with your PR sell-in. Wait for the agreed publication – and then go for a wide distribution of the press release to create a 2-waved PR effect. This can be very efficient!

Take into your planning that different Scandinavian media work with very different timing. If you go for a business daily, you might only need to approach the editor a couple of weeks before you like to see some media coverage. But if it’s a high-end lifestyle Magazine on print, you might need to talk to the editor 3-4 months ahead.

4. Except that media decide the content 

Don’t expect to get any control over the final journalistic content in articles. Scandinavian journalists and media are very Independent – it’s just part of their DNA and our Scandinavian culture. You can approve your own quotes – and offer journalists a quality check of facts. Nothing more. Otherwise, you could offend the journalist. This independence also means that your PR adviser rarely is present at face-to-face interviews with the Scandinavian journalist.

Offer Media professional PR photos to strengthen the possibility of media coverage. This could be PR headshots of your company spokesperson or of your Product/Services. This must preferably be PR photos take for media in a journalistic context supporting the journalistic angle of your story – NOT traditional marketing photos.

5. Follow-up in person

Follow up on journalists in person on phone and email to secure the sell-in of the story and final media coverage. In Scandinavia, this is a very delicate balance between being proactive without being annoying for journalists, who have a very busy and tight work schedule and a lot of people approaching them every day.

Read more about PR

Christina Rytter selected as coach in new EIC Women Leadership Programme

03/03/2022By scandinaviancomChristina Rytter

We are proud to announce that our CEO & founder Christina Rytter is a selected MarCom and business coach in the new European Innovation Council Women Leadership Programme. Here she works with female entrepreneurs to create stronger company brands and commercial strategy that takes their business to the next level internationally.

Ella Cullen, Co-founder & CMO from Minespider is one of the leading entrepreneurs Christina works with.Ella is selected as one of the 50 female entrepreneurs to join the first cohort in the EIC programme. Minespider is a blockchain-based platform for responsible mineral sourcing. They want to help companies understand how they can outperform the market with competitive sustainability. There is a strong purpose for you!

Photo: Ella Cullen, Co-founder & CMO, Minespider

Read more about the work 👉 https://lnkd.in/emxph3XP

Reboot Strategy: Create your MarCom Plan 

03/09/2021By scandinaviancomChange Communications, Christina Rytter, Crisis Communications, Management Communications, Scandinavian Communications, Strategic Communications

By Christina Rytter, Founder & Trusted Communications Advisor

A Marketing Communications Plan (or MarCom plan) is your bridge between Strategy and Execution. The MarCom Plan gives an overview of how you communicate your message through specific communications and marketing activities to create awareness and desired behaviour/action in your key target groups. You can have the best strategy and positioning in the world, but if you don’t effectively communicate it to your target customers your business will fail regardless.

SO what makes a strong marketing communications plan? It’s actually pretty simple. There are really four key ingredients in my perspective, that you need to put in the matrix: 

Step: Indicate which step of your strategy the activities support. 

Objective: What are the activity objectives and how do we measure the result (KPI)? 

Activity: What type of activity? 

Timing: When do we execute the activity? 

Remember to be reasonably broad in order to be effective. Relying solely on a single communication vehicle is not likely to produce good results. However, it is very important to always stay focused on communication channels that reach your ideal targeted customer and other key target groups and influencers you find important.

Your MarCom plan should always be developed in the context of a strong marketing and communications strategy – in synch with the overall business strategy.

Need help to Reboot your Strategy and reset your MarCom Goals & KPIs? Don’t hesitate to contact us. We are here to help! 😊

Read more Tips to Reboot your Strategy:

Tip 1: Rediscover your purpose

Tip 2: Evaluate your target group 

Tip 3: Adapt your Key Messaging

Tip 4: Tweak your MarCom Channels

Tip 5: Reboot MarCom Goals & KPIs

Learn more about Strategic Communications

Reboot Strategy: Reset MarCom Goals & KPIs

25/08/2021By scandinaviancomChange Communications, Christina Rytter, Content Marketing, Crisis Communications, Management Communications, PR, PR Tips & Trends, Scandinavian Communications, Social Media, SoMe Tips & Trends, Strategic Communications

By Christina Rytter, Founder & Trusted Communications Advisor

Remember this! As part of your MarCom strategy – you also need to strategic decide on and set KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) for your communications, PR and marketing. Otherwise, you can only to a lesser extent measure the effect, business value and ROI (Return-on-Investment) of your invested MarCom budget.

So, if you Reboot your Strategy – you of cause also need to Reset Goals & KPIs. When you set KPIs and thereby measure results, you will be able to have a clear evaluation of, what is driving the business forward. AND what is not. You can evaluate and demonstrate the direct business value of communications, PR, marketing and social media to the management and the board.

How to measure MarCom results?
MarCom KPIs can be concrete actions or registration of change in behaviour or point of views in the target group before, under and after your work/campaign. Test the measurability of your indicators with SMARTSpecific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant & Time-bound. When we work with earned communications such as PR you can set both quantitative and qualitative deliverables to get a more sufficient evaluation.

Quantitative PR deliverables could be the number of articles your PR-campaign created separated within your chosen Tier 1 Media in each market. Also looking at the PR-value of each media clipping, which we traditionally measure by finding the Equivalent Advertising Value for each media clip and then multiply the value with 3, because earned media have higher trustworthiness. A quantitative deliverable could also be the measurement of increased website traffic directly related to your PR-results.

Qualitative PR deliverables could be message resonance included in the media coverage such as your Top 1-3 Key Messages. It could be mentions of Brand Name & Product Names and back-links in your media coverage.

In Social and Digital campaigns I would always recommend you to create high-quality content relevant for your key target groups – and then as an ad on set aside a media budget to work with sponsored posts to get a much larger reach and higher amount of web traffic and response from your preferred audience.

KPIs for Social Media could be Engagement and Relevance for your target group measured by; Clicks per post (Traffic to the website), likes, shares and comments. You can also look deeper into development in your followers such as; Audience growth rate, new follower rate, follower/following ratio, which show Thought Leadership position.

SoMe Influencer campaigns can also be very effective when you select bloggers and Instagrammers relevant for your target group to help deliver your key messages. Be aware to set very clear KPIs in paid contracts with influencers to make sure your campaign goals and measure points are clear.

Need help to Reboot your Strategy and reset your MarCom Goals & KPIs? Don’t hesitate to contact us. We are here to help! 😊

Read more Tips to Reboot your Strategy:

Tip 1: Rediscover your purpose

Tip 2: Evaluate your target group 

Tip 3: Adapt your Key Messaging

Tip 4: Tweak your MarCom Channels

Tip 6: Create your MarCom Plan


Learn more about Strategic Communications

Reboot Strategy: Tweak MarCom Channels

10/07/2021By scandinaviancomChange Communications, Christina Rytter, Crisis Communications, Management Communications, PR, PR Tips & Trends, Scandinavian Communications, Social Media, SoMe Tips & Trends, Strategic Communications

By Christina Rytter, Founder & Trusted Communications Advisor

When your business conditions suddenly change you often also need to Reboot – or at least evaluate – your existing commercial strategy to adapt. So, you can work successfully within the new normal.  When you have your overall purpose, target group and key messaging in order the next cornerstones in your strategy is your communications channels. If some of the other important areas of your strategy change, it might also be relevant to tweak communications channels. It must always be your target groups and influencers preferences, that decides which channels you use for Marketing, PR and Communications. NOT your preferred channels 😉.

To reach each of your key target groups, you need to tailor your content and then communicate and get into dialogue in the relevant and strategic/tactical selected channels. Again, this often very in different target groups across business position, country, age, gender etc. Your business needs to be present, engage and communicate authentic and clear in the channels where your target groups are present.

Need help to Reboot Strategy? Don’t hesitate to contact us.

Read more Tips to Reboot your Strategy:

Tip 1: Rediscover your purpose

Tip 2: Evaluate your target group 

Tip 3: Adapt your Key Messaging

Tip 5: Reboot MarCom Goals & KPIs

Tip 6: Create your MarCom Plan


Learn more about Strategic Communications